tropical vine fruit

About Us

Cairns and Tropical Gardening

Rob Pyne writes about our his passions of Cairns and tropical gardening.

Tropical Gardening (growing your own food at home)

Cairns (Our tropical home city)

The information on this site will help you to grow successfully and save you an awful lot of money by reducing your spending on fertilisers, plants and material that you don’t need!

This website is also the home to Rob’s Book about his life, local history, politics and other Cairns characters: Struggle and Resistance in the Far North

About Us Personally

The Person: Rob Pyne

Quadriplegic, Former MP, Councillor & Campaigner, Rob Pyne was born and grew up in Cairns, the city he calls home. He loves Cairns, tropical gardening and ideas and policies to help people who are struggling to survive.

Jenny Pyne and Rob Pyne
Jenny Pyne and Rob Pyne

Thank you for reading about us.

Cairns and Tropical Gardening