lemonade tree care

Lemonade Tree Care Guide

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Lemonade Tree

Lemonade tree care will see your tree produce a tasty citrus fruit that is a hybrid between a mandarin, an orange and a lemon. Proper care ensures a continuing crop of this unique citrus fruit.

The origins of the lemonade fruit tree are obscure. However it is now grafted onto compatible rootstock to produces a lemon like fruit that are edible and taste like lemonade. Consequently, these fruit trees are now widely grown in Australia and New Zealand.

Lemonade Rootstock

Grafted on citrange rootstock which performs well in clay loams and shows tolerance for nematodes. Fruit size and quality from trees on this stock is very good.

Dwarf Lemonade Tree Care

Lemonade trees will grow in most soil types, regardless of the ph. However, they should be planted in a well draining location. While they thrive in the tropics they can also grow in other areas.

This tree thrives in full sunlight and also enjoys high humidity. It is a fine candidate for tropical gardening.

lemonade tree
Lemonade Tree

Growing Lemonade Tree from Seed

Can I grow a lemonade fruit tree from seed?

You can grow lemonade fruit trees from seed. However, it will be slow to get going and take longer to fruit than a grafted tree.

Lemonade trees are overwhelmingly grown by grafting. This is done by using the rootstock of another citrus fruit.

Growing Lemonade Tree from Cuttings

Time needed: 4 minutes

How to grow lemonade tree from cuttings.

  1. Select cutting:

    Make sure the cutting is at least 20cm (8in) long and has 4 nodes (nodes are the knobby areas on the stem from where the leaves grow).

  2. Apply hormone:

    Put the end of the cutting into rooting hormone mixed with water.

  3. Pot:

    Push a small hole in your potting mix. Then put the cutting in the hole and firm up the soil so it can stand on its own. Make sure the soil is damp to the touch, but not water-logged.

  4. Transplant:

    When your seedling fills the pot, transplant it into your growing spot in your tropical garden.

Lemonade Tree Height

This tree will grow between 2.5 metres and 3 metres in height.

Lemonade Tree Care in Pots


Good care includes feeding your tree. You should fertilise your tree with a slow-release citrus fertiliser. During the growing season, regular applications of a liquid fertiliser can also increase a trees growth and productivity.

Make sure you water your tree well before and after you apply the fertiliser. Otherwise you may burn the plant.


Mulching is recommended. You should keep the ground at the base of the tree moist, but not wet or soggy.

Water trees regularly throughout the dry season. However, during the tropical ‘wet’ they will be fine without any additional water.


Prune to remove dead, damaged or diseased branches. Also prune live branches to ensure fruit will not be too low or even touching the ground (this allows you to mow and weed around the base of your tree). In addition, water shoots and other live branches can be pruned according to your judgement to maintain shape and manageability.

Dwarf Lemonade Tree

Dwarf lemonade trees are sold in many plant nurseries these days. They reduce the need for pruning and are suitable in residential areas. Caring for this tree is the same as we have outlined above.

dwarf lemonade tree
Dwarf Lemonade Tree

Dwarf Lemonade Tree Care

You can grow your dwarf lemonade tree in a pot. Make sure you select a pot at least 500mm wide. Then position the pot in full sun and do not forget to water it. In the dry season you may need to water your tree deeply 2 or 3 times a week.

Caring for your tree in a pot is pretty much the same as caring for one in the ground. The big difference is your pot will drain faster than the ground does. Therefore you do need to keep the water up to it, so the tree does not get too thirsty.

Problems with lemon trees in pots

Root rot can be a problem with lemonade trees. So while mulching is recommended, you should pull back the mulch a few centimetres from the base of the tree.

Pests of lemonade trees include mealybug, aphids and fruit fly. However, regular application of ‘white oil’ can help address these pests. White oil is an effective organic pesticide that you can make at home.

Lemonade Tree Fruit

The fruit looks like a lemon however it is sweeter, less acidic and can be eaten like a mandarin or orange.

Eating The Fruit

The best part of good lemonade tree care is enjoying the fruit. We believe lemonades are best eaten raw. However, there are many uses for the lemonade fruit. You can add it to your favourite cocktails, or to tonic or soda water for a sweeter twist than a traditional lime or lemon.

Health Benefits

Lemonades are low in sodium and devoid of fat and cholesterol. In addition, they offer a number of other health benefits.

Weight Loss

Lemonades are low in calories yet high in fibre. So this makes them an excellent addition to a weight loss diet. Indeed, adding lemonade to your diet is a useful way to curb cravings and boost weight loss.


The high fibre and water content in lemonades also makes them filling and good for digestion. Consequently, they can also help with constipation.

Immune System  

In addition the fruit is very high in vitamin C which boosts the immune system.


The lemonade juice is full of vitamins and antioxidants.

Lemonade Tree – Bunnings

Bunnings often sell lemonade trees, including the dwarf lemonade tree. These trees are fine, but also consider visiting a local plant nursery. You will be surprised with what they have to offer.

Other Tropical Fruits

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