Blackfellow Creek

Blackfellow Creek now Bana Gindarja Creek

Cairns and Tropical Gardening » Cairns » Blackfellow Creek now Bana Gindarja Creek

Blackfellow Creek Cairns

Blackfellow Creek is in Edmonton in tropical Far North Queensland. It is in the traditional country of the Gimuy Walubara Yidinji people.

Local and State officials proposed that the name of Blackfellow Creek be changed to honor Indigenous history and culture, providing more accurate representation of local Indigenous peoples.

Blackfellow Creek Fishing

There are fishing opportunities along the creek, especially to the east where the creek discharges into Trinity Inlet.

Blackfellow Creek Camping

There are no camping opportunities along the creek. Most of the surrounding land is either privately owned or inaccessible.

Blackfellow Creek Queensland

In 2021 Cr. Rob Pyne had a resolution passed that the name of the creek be changed from Blackfellow to a more appropriate name, to be selected by the traditional owners.

Blackfellow Creek History

The creek was giving the name during the European invasion of the 19 century. However by the 21st century an increasing number of people were considering the name inappropriate.

Bana Gindarja Creek

The name change brings important recognition to the original Indigenous inhabitants of the area. Respect for Indigenous heritage is a fundamental part of reconciling past wrongs and making sure that Indigenous rights and culture continue to be respected in this area.

With this change, officials hope to demonstrate their commitment to honouring Indigenous history and culture and recognising the importance it has had on the region’s development.

Cr. Rob Pyne spoke about why this change is important and what it means for the community. He said, The old Blackfellow Creek name comes from times when many people were described and judged according to the colour of their skin. However today we judge them on the quality of their character. Further the new name Bana Gindarja celebrates aboriginal culture, and that is something I would like to see a lot more of.

Responding to criticism of the renaming of Blackfellow Creek on the basis of Council being woke, Cr. Pyne responded. “Well if woke is being respectful, you bet we are!”

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