Council Vaccine Video

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Council Vaccine Rally

Anti-Vaccine business owners rallied at Cairns Regional Council on Wednesday, 24 November 2021, demanding a council vaccine resolution to support their right to carry on business, regardless of the vaccination status of their staff or clientele.

Council Vaccine Blast Video

Council Vaccine Blast

All ‘Rights’ No ‘Responsibility’

The language of the anti-vax movement is all about ‘rights’ and ‘freedoms’, but never about ‘responsibility’ or ‘civic duty’. The truth is those who are unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to infect their neighbours. However, these people are more concerned with their own rights then the well-being of others in the community.

Cr. Rob Pyne said the anti-vax movement went hand-in-hand with selfishness. “Over 6 million people around the world have died of Covid, do their lives not matter?”, he asked.

Council Vaccine blast by Rob Pyne

Councillor Pyne blasted anti-Vax supporters for their selfishness in putting themselves and their own interests above the rest of the community. He said afterwards, “We all have a responsibility to the wider community to prevent this deadly Covid-19 virus where we can.”

Are Covid-19 vaccines safe?

Yes! All of the Government approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe and highly effective. Billions of people around the world have received COVID-19 vaccines.

Vulnerable most at risk

A quadriplegic and vaccine supporter on Council, Cr. Pyne spoke of the importance for everyone to be vaccinated. Indeed he reminding those present that the vulnerable are most at risk. Hence the disabled and the elderly are most at risk.

“They are overwhelmingly people with disabilities and the elderly. They are the vulnerable people in our community. To stand up and say well I’m right Jack, I’ve got the right to choose when you breathe the same air as the rest of us. Vulnerable people die from this disease.” Pyne said.

Doing Your ‘Own Research’ a Worry

In his Council Vaccine call, Pyne said the most worrying words in the English language are “I did my own research.” He then added, “you do not do your own research in relation to complex medical matters”. He said to those present, “as Councillors, how stupid would it be for us to do our own research and come up with our own solutions, when we employ the best minds, people who are already technical experts? For example, imagine if our engineering team come to us with a bridge design and we (as lay people) redesigned it according to our own personal preference. It would be a recipe for a real life disaster!”

Councillor Pyne received multiple jeers from the crowd during his council vaccine speech. He was also trolled by anti-vaxers on social media. However, the Far North Queensland Councillor, said his anti-vax critics were ‘stupid’ and ‘dangerous’.

Champion of the Underdog


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