capsicum growing

Capsicum Growing Guide

How to grow Capsicum from Seed in Australia

Capsicum growing is easy and a valuable part of a tropical food garden. Native to the Americas capsicum is now cultivated worldwide.

Capsicum is in the nightshade family Solanaceae. However, capsicum comes in several varieties, such as jalapeño, peperoncini, and peperoncito. Here we are concerned with the humble capsicum, which is large and mild and is probably sold at your local supermarket.

What are other names for capsicum?

Capsicum plants have various names depending on place and type. They are also known as bell peppers or peppers.
bell peppers

Capsicum Growing from Seed

Growing capsicum from seed can be a rewarding experience! Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

Time needed: 3 minutes

How to grow capsicum.

  1. Sow Seeds

    Soak seeds overnight and the next day sow them half a centimetre deep and 25cm (10in) apart. Also, place 2-3 seeds in each hole.

  2. Sun and Water

    Plant in a location that has full sun. They will need at least 2.5cm (1inch) of water per week. It is better to give them a thorough soaking twice or even three times a week (depending on the weather).

  3. Thin Seedlings and Stake

    Thin out your seedlings, so your plants are now about 50cm (20in) apart. As they grow, you may want to use tomato stakes and ties to keep the plants upright (so they don’t blow over in the wind).

  4. Fertilise

    Apply a balanced fertiliser. Over fertilising will result in an overgrown healthy looking vine that fails to produce fruit.

  5. Harvest

    At 10-12 weeks, the fruit ripens and changes colour. However, you can harvest the capsicum fruit whenever you want, as you do not have to wait until the fruit is full size. 

Capsicum Growing in Pots

Capsicum prefer to be planted in the ground or container beds. However, they can be grown in larger pots.

If you do grow them in a pot, they should be in a potting mix, and make sure the pot has holes for drainage.

Normally pots will need to be watered more often than ground plants, but if you use a Green Smart wicking bed, you can get the best of both worlds as when the topsoil dries out, your plant can still access water from the reservoir of the pot.

Capsicum Growing

When to grow capsicum in Australia

In tropical regions of Australia capsicum grows well in the cooler part of the year known as the ‘dry season’. We hope the following growing tips are also of use.

Capsicum Growing Tips


Capsicum can be grown in a wide range of soils. Sandy loams or alluvial soils are fine. The main thing is that the soil is deep and free draining. It is good to have a high content of organic matter in the soil, so don’t be afraid to work in heaps of compost before planting.


Use a fertiliser rich in nitrogen, phosphate and potassium. Be sure to apply the fertiliser to the base of the plant so you do not burn the leaves.

Water and Capsicum Growing

Capsicum needs 2.5cm (1in) of water each week. Water twice a week, so a deep watering occurs. Hence you are sure to get to the roots of the plant.

Capsicum Growing Problems

Insect pests and diseases are more of a problem during the wet season. This is due to the hot humid conditions.

Fruit flies, blossom end rot and root-knot nematodes can be a problem. Leaf eating beetles and aphids are also pests in the tropics. However, you can pick these from your vine at home, or if the challenge is bigger you can use an insecticide.

However, regular application of ‘white oil’ can help address these pests. Indeed white oil is an effective organic pesticide that you can make at home.

Neem oil is one organic solution you can apply. It will help to combat certain insects and fungal diseases.

Following this capsicum growing guide should help you grow a healthy crop!

capsicum growing
Capsicum Growing

Capsicum Growing Season

The best time to grow capsicum in the tropics is during the ‘dry season’. We suggest growing from May to October to give you the best chance of success.

Eating Capsicum

Health Benefits

Capsicum is a very healthy vegetable to eat, raw or cooked. It can help with weight problems, gut health and constipation.

Weight Loss

Eating capsicum can help keep your blood sugar stable. Indeed the fibre in this plant can lower blood sugar by slowing the rate of digestion and absorption of sugar in the body. Consequently, this slower absorption keeps blood sugar levels steady and prevents spikes and crashes.


Capsicum is very high in fibre that is low in calories. This is good for digestion and bowel function.

Fibre may also help lower your LDL, or “bad” cholesterol and reduce your blood pressure and decrease your chance of cardiovascular disease.

Immune System

The high levels of Vitamin C also make this vegetable a valuable food in boosting your immunity.


Antioxidants in capsicum, help to combat free radicals in your body. These free-radicals can damage cells and can lead to disease, so eating capsicum can help you stay well.


Capsicum is also a great source of prebiotic fibre that will have a positive effect on your gut health.

All of the capsicum growing tips above are worth the effort when it results in tasty produce that is good for your health.

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