dill growing

Dill Growing: Your Ultimate Guide

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Dill Growing in Australia

Growing dill (Anethum graveolens) properly can see you produce bags of this versatile herb easily. Dill is known to attract beneficial insects that your garden needs. It is popular around the world. However, dill originated in the Mediterranean and southeastern Europe.

What are other names for Dill?

Dill is also known as “Sholpa” in Bengal, savaa in Hindi, or soa in Punjabi.Dill

Dill Growing Conditions

Location and Soil

Plant in full sun, or at least where the plant will get sun for a good part of the day. Also, plant your seeds in well draining soil. Hence loose soil is a good medium for this plant.

Dill Growing from Seed

You can propagate from seed.

Time needed: 3 minutes

How to grow dill plant from seed.

  1. Sowing Seeds

    Sow seeds just over 1cm (1/2in) deep and every 20cm (8in) apart.

  2. Thin

    Thin your seedlings out as required. Make sure your remaining seedlings are approximately 40cm (15in) apart.

  3. Sun and Water

    Plant in full sun. Plants will need water regularly. However, water-logging could kill your tree. Indeed this is why we recommended loose well draining soil.

  4. Harvest

    Cut to harvest and remove any flowers to prolong leafy growth.

Dill Growing Season

Here in the tropics we grow dill from May to October, with best results during our tropical’ ‘dry season’.

Dill Growing Temperature

Mild climates provide the optimal growing conditions for dill. In terms of Climate, dill thrives in mild climates, preferring temperatures between 60°F to 70°F (15°C to 21°C). It can tolerate light frost but struggles in extreme heat or cold.

Growing Dill in Pots

Dill grows well in the tropics, but it will do even better if you grow it in pots. Tropical downpours during the ‘wet season’ are not good for many herbs. Therefore growing in a container or raised bed that will drain well is a real advantage.

Dill Growing Conditions


Fertilising your plants with a balanced fertiliser is a good idea. We apply this in the form of a water soluble fertiliser every month or so.


You should water your plants at least twice each week.

Pests and Diseases 

Dill growing tips must include pest management. So pests include whitefly, caterpillar, aphids, thrips and mites. However, you can apply ‘white oil’ to address these pests. White oil is an organic pesticide that you can make yourself at home.

Health Benefits of Dill

Dill is a good source of Vitamins A and C as well as Calcium and Iron.

Diabetes 2

Some studies have shown dill can help to manage type 2 diabetes. This herb also goes well with fish and eggs, which are foods that are beneficial for people with diabetes to eat. In addition, using herbs to flavour food provides an alternative to sweeter, processed flavourings. 

Heart Attack and Stroke

Dill contains flavonoids that have been shown to help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Research on animals shows that dill can also reduce cholesterol levels. 

In conclusion we hope you have found our dill growing guide useful.

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