guava tree

Guava Tree Care Tips

Growing Guava in Australia

Guava tree care is about understanding guava trees and growing them for production of their awesome tasty fruit. There are 3 different types of guava, the tropical guava (Psidium guajava); the strawberry guava (Psidium lucidum) and the pineapple guava (Feijoa Sellowiana).

The guava originated from Mexico. Subsequently, it has spread from Central America to other parts of the world, including Australia.

The guava tree can bloom year-round. However, spring is the main time for flowering and the fruit are usually ready 90 to 150 days after the first bloom.

Guava Tree Care Video

Guava Tree Height and Width

What is the height and width of a guava tree?

A mature guava tree can reach a size of 6M (20ft) tall and 5M (16ft) wide.

Should I grow guava from seed?

You can grow a guava tree from seed if you want to. However, seed grown guava trees, don’t always grow true. Therefore even if you manage to grow a fruiting tree, it will take 3 or 4 years before it produces its first fruit. So for this reason we do not recommend growing from seed.

Guava Tree Pruning 

Without pruning a guava tree will easily get out of control. So pruning is needed to keep the tree a manageable size. Hence done properly, it allows you to keep the tree at an accessible height for picking the fruit. In addition, people may prune to restore tree vigour and to control pests and disease.

Guava Tree Care Propagation

Time needed: 3 minutes

How to grow guava from cuttings

  1. Prepare cutting

    Cut off a 10-15cm (4-6in) softwood cutting. Remove all but the top two leaves. Dip the bottom of the cutting into a rooting hormone.

  2. Pot cutting

    Plant your cutting in a pot containing moist potting mix.

  3. Locate Pot

    Place the container in a sunny location where temperatures are consistently around 24-29 Celsius (75-84F).
    guava tree care - sun

  4. Water and Wait

    Water gently as needed to keep the potting soil slightly moist. Also place it in a sheltered outdoor location until the tree is big enough to survive on its own.

Guava Tree Care in Pots

Find a container that is at least 50cm (20in) across and just as deep. Make sure the container has drainage holes. Place your pot in full sunlight. When growing in pots you must water weekly.

Guava Tree Growing Conditions

Firstly, the guava tree should be planted in a sunny spot in your garden. It will grow in most places, as long as it has well-draining soil. While a rich soil is perfect, the plant is forgiving of poor soil.

Hence, guava trees placed in a sunny location will thrive in the tropics. They can produce guava after 2 years and may continue to do so for another 40. This tropical fruit also grows well in the sub-tropics.


The guava tree is fairly low maintenance. They do not need heavy fertilising. so choose an organic, balanced fertiliser and apply every six weeks during its peak growing season. There is no need to fertilise during the winter months, especially if you are living in a cool climate.

Guava tree water requirements

While young, the ‘in ground’ guava tree should be watered every 2 or 3 weeks. In a tropical wet-season, your tree can handle torrential downpours and often at this time of year there is no need for additional watering. Indeed additional watering during a heavy wet season could cause the roots to rot.

Pests and Diseases

Pests that can damage your guava include nematodes, caterpillars, mealybugs, weevils and whiteflies.

One tip to protect trees from insects is to prune any branches that are touching walls, buildings or the ground. After all, this will make it harder for insects to access the tree.

In addition, the regular application of ‘white oil’ can help address some of these pests. So white oil is an effective organic pesticide that you can make at home.

How to grow guava tree faster?

Plenty of water and organic fertiliser will help you speed up the growth rate of your tree.

Guava Benefits

Guava is commonly eaten raw. You can enjoy it sliced or simply eat it like an apple. It can also be sliced and served with cream as a dessert, so guava tree care, is well worth it!

The guava fruit offers many health benefits. It is rich in vitamins A, B, and C.  In addition, studies support the benefits of guava tree leaf extracts, which are even taken by some as dietary supplements.

guava tree fruit
Guava Tree Fruit


Dietary fiber in guava supports a healthy gut microbiome. After all gut health is important for digestion, weight gain, cholesterol levels, blood sugar, and even immunity.

Immune System  

Vitamin C is known to help prevent common infections and pathogens. Indeed, the guava contains almost twice the vitamin C of oranges.


Guava leaf extract has been found to have antioxidant properties that can help to lower blood pressure by expanding blood vessels. According to some studies, these antioxidants may also help to reduce the risk of degenerative brain diseases, inflammation, heart disease, and cancer. If you’re looking for a natural way to support your overall health, guava leaf extract may be worth considering.

Finally, thank you for reading and all the best with your guava tree care.

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