Tom Murray Park

Tom Murray Park in Mount Sheridan

Cairns and Tropical Gardening » Cairns » Tom Murray Park in Mount Sheridan

Tom Murray Park

Tom Murray Park lies off Hardy Road in the Suburb of Mount Sheridan. This much loved green space is a great community asset. This picture shows the park circa 2010.

Tom Murray Park (2010)
Tom Murray Park (2010)

History of Park Name

The Murray family had a cane farm in Edmonton. As a teacher, Tom Murray Jr. encouraged students to develop their speaking skills and have some knowledge of the world around them. He also promoted civics and a sense of community. In addition, as a teacher he had a love of the natural environment that he fostered in his students.

Tom Murray Park
Tom Murray Park

Location of Tom Murray Park

The park is serviced by buses which have become far more regular and reliable over recent years. This park is on a well serviced route.

Where is Tom Murray Park?

Located on the west side of Hardy Road, this park is accessible with a bus shelter directly in front of the park on Hardy Road.

Park Improvements

Significant improvements have subsequently taken place over the years to ensure the park is more accessible and better utilised.

Exercise Equipment

The further addition of exercise equipment proved to be popular at the park.

exercise equipment
Exercise Equipment

In addition a bus shelter at the front of the park on Hardy Road has added to the amenity of this popular park.

Public Toilets and Car Parking

Public toilets and asphalt sealed car parking was installed in the park in 2021. This work included provision of an accessible toilet as well as a car park reserved for people with disabilities. So the park now has improved access for people with disabilities.

Tom Murray Park toilets
Tom Murray Park toilets

Tom Murray Park and Fretwell Park

Just further down on Robert Road, is Fretwell Park. Indeed, Fretwell Park is the home of the South Cairns Cutters AFL team.

While Tom Murray is a recreational space and not a formal sporting ground, players from the the South Cairns Cutters often use it for training purposes.

Other South Cairns Parks

Bentley Park



Mount Sheridan

In conclusion, thank you for reading about Tom Murray Park and our other great venues. Enjoy the park at your convenience, but if you need exclusive use you can make a request with Cairns Council by phoning 4044 3044.

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